You’re reading this from a mobile device.
Ok, that was a guess. But we had a 50/50 shot at getting it right.
The fact is...almost 56% of web traffic worldwide came from mobile devices as of February 2021. And, 80% of people used a mobile device to search the internet in 2019.
Yep, that means you don’t need a crystal ball to see that your customers are looking at cell phone and tablet screens. (Although you can check out your website analytics to get a better breakdown.) And where your customers are looking is where you want your ads to be.
What is Mobile Advertising?
As you Google “best movers near me” you may notice text ads placed amongst your search results...those are mobile ads. Or, as you play your 5th consecutive hour of Candy Crush, you may see a barrage of banner ads taking over the top and bottom of your phone...those are also mobile ads. You may even have experienced ads placed within website pages and even ads that pop up between CC rounds before letting you continue...yep, all mobile ads. They’re everywhere.
Ok, but where exactly would my ads show up?
Just like other online ads, mobile ads show up where your customers are looking. What does that mean? Well, it’s less about the specific site or app and more about the person holding the phone. Based on demographics targeting, wherever your customers are spending time on a mobile device is where your ad has the opportunity to be served.
Mobile ads can be especially effective for brick and mortar stores and restaurants looking to increase foot traffic because they can be geographically targeted to a specific city or zipcode. Imagine a worker in an office down the street from your bar, feeling that end-of-day slump at 3pm, who is then served a display ad of a colorful cocktail and a basket of juicy chicken wings when she searches “happy hours near me” on her cell phone. Whether she was already familiar with your business and just needed a reminder or had never heard of you but now is curious to visit, your product is now fresh in her mind. Sound effective? It does to us!
But my marketing budget is so small...
When you think about mobile ads, you may assume the majority are from national, big-name brands.
Nope, dial it back.
Actually, mobile ads can run on (almost) any budget. With specific geographic targeting, along with other thoughtful demographic settings, any size of budget can be effective on this platform when paired with the right strategy. Thus, mobile advertising is a great opportunity for small- to medium-sized businesses when done right!
At the end of the day, traditional advertising can be expensive and inflexible. But, most small business owners don’t have the time or capacity to learn about mobile advertising and most effective ways to implement it. Sound familiar? That’s where we come in.
Ring ring.
Incoming call…