Support Black Creators

In support of the #amplifymelanatedvoices and #blacklivesmatter movements, we took a break from posting our regular social media content to create space to amplify the voices and experiences of Black people who needed to be heard. We want to ensure that Black artists, creators, and people are still listened to, respected, and celebrated.

The art above is by @shaneebenjamin be sure to check her out for more beautiful illustrations! Head to the link in bio to see all featured creators and which core value they resonate with.


Loyalty: a strong feeling of support or allegiance 👯‍♀️ We believe success looks like a team united by a common goal, and you can’t accomplish anything unless you’re committed to your team and your goal.

Loyalty is especially important as the #BLM movement continues to grow and gain more momentum across the nation, and the world. Now, more than ever, we must remain loyal to all of our Black brothers and sisters and to the cause.

The art above represents loyalty, by @sheisthisdesigns and you’ll find other amazing illustrations of women of all colors on her profile! 


"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." -Oprah Winfrey 🔥 And when you find that passion, pursue it!

We’re passionate in our beliefs – both as a company and as a team made up of real people. This includes the belief that all lives were created equal and should be treated as such. Passion is like a fire that never dies, and we will continue to fight for what we’re passionate about and what we believe in; we will continue to do our part until Black lives matter not just to us, but to all.

This art represents passion, by @shemeetscity. Check out her profile for more illustrations and the link to her Etsy shop!


Sometimes it’s hard to notice progress when it’s slow, but remember that you’re always growing 🌱 Surround yourself with people and things that motivate and inspire you to continue growing!

The Black Lives Matter movement is growing each and every day. Each new post, signature on a petition, call to a representative, helps to grow this movement and, even if it seems like something small, all of these small things add up and contribute to its growth.

The above art represents growth, by @morganharpernichols who posts daily reminders through her beautiful art- be sure to check her out!


Humble yo’self 🆗 Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.

Humility plays such a large part in revolutionizing movements like Black Lives Matter because you have to shift your focus from yourself to the bigger cause. It’s not to say that other lives don’t matter, it’s to say that right now Black lives matter most because they’re the ones constantly in danger just for the color of their skin. We encourage you to humble yourself, shift your focus, understand why this movement is so important, and try to do your part. 

This art represents humility, by @prettystrangedesign. Follow her for all things lettering, embroidery, and fashion!


Teamwork makes the dream work 🤝 And that’s why working together is so important!

It’s crazy what can happen when we work together as a team! 1 person walking down the street shouting “Black lives matter” might be noticed by some but 1,000 people walking down the street shouting “Black lives matter…” now that can ignite change. The Black Lives Matter movement couldn’t be what it is without all of us working and acting as a team and we can’t stop now because our team still needs us.

The art above represents teamwork, by @stattheartist. Head to their profile for more stunning art inspired by life!


Gratitude is turning what we have into enough, and we carry it with us always 🤎

We’re grateful to be a team of like-minded individuals who are compassionate, engaged, and working to do their part in the Black Lives Matter movement. No matter what you have the means to do, do it. Do it because our Black brothers and sisters are counting on you and continue to do it because it’s important and it’s the right thing to do.

This art represents gratitude, by @arielleestoria who is an incredible poet, author, and speaker. Be sure to check her out!

These artists and their work have resonated with what we value as a company and a team, and they’ve made us feel inspired. We hope you enjoyed their pieces of art as much as we do and continue to support Black creators and Black-owned businesses.